Giampaolo Parrilla
He works through the structuring of pictorial setting spaces, with the construction of cycles of paintings with an atmospheric perspective, of repetition and movement, to create a coherent space. A closed system, in which every work is the cause / consequence of a space around it.
Wall paintings room, big size painting, graphic journalism
A declared conflict follows a series of steps to achieve its goal. To wage war against outside world dispersion, through a structured war campaign.
He works with: Archdiocese of Bologna, UNHCR, DueTorriHotels, , Teatro Dell’Argine, UNESCO, University of Bologna.
Artistic residences: AIR Madreselva_Uruguay; No More Half Seasons_Milano LUISS Hub; Antichi Sentieri_S.Antioco; Incontri d’arte_Slovenia.
Exhibitions: Combat Prize 2021, Think Big! Paratissima 2020, Unfair Milano, Affordable Art Fair_Milano; Take me i'm yours, by Danilo Eccher_Bologna; In Cielo Finito_Montevideo Uruguay; Université Paris Nanterre, Classical Philology and Italian Studies Department_Accademia di Belle Arti Bologna.