"Città", dettaglio, detail
"Città", dettaglio, detail
Plastici di città immaginarie realizzati con spine, vespai, alveari, crisalidi di farfalla, piume, baccelli, galle... Ogni plastico illustra un diverso progetto di vita comunitaria, più o meno condivisibile, dalla città chiusa in sé stessa e respingente (spine), a quella in embrione (baccelli), da quella metamorfica (crisalidi), a quella imperialistica e ossessionata dalla prole (vespai), da quella gerarchica e conformante, guidata da forme di potere lontane (alveari), alla città nido (piume), alla città che ingloba seppur con pregiudizio (galle).
Actually, I am working to a series of city models, similar to the ones used by architects, but made with thorns, galls with inhabitants inside (gall is a kind of wood pearl created by plant to stand insects), butterfly chrysalises, wasps' nests, plumes, pods...Every model deals with a different conception of city life, less or more shareable. This work might be considered the representation of different ideal cities, and everybody might be able to approve and choose the most congenial one, as in Calvino's "Città invisibili" (it would be beautiful to collect all viewers' impressions). In this way, my project is also a reflection about the role of Architecture and town planning.
In details, Thorn City exemplifies repulsion for strangers, distrust, fear, but also the great loneliness connected to voluntary life-in-cage. The feather one, instead, Illustrates a nest town, comfortable, pleasant, but also out of touch with real world. The gall one shows assimilation in spite of prejudices; the one with empty chrysalises ( butterfly exuviae) mirrors a metamorphic town full of not jet expressed resources. The one made with wasps' nests displays an aggressive society obsessed by its children; the pod one, instead, a rich, flourishing, prosperous city.
I'm also working to other models, with beehives (hierarchical and conforming town), threads (web town).