Earnest Learner #0 - Das Unheimliche

Earnest Learner #0 - Das Unheimliche

This is the first issue of the Earnest Learner publication. A paper, published semiannually, each introducing and essay or an important piece of writing by a great mind. We love to learn. Earnestly. We love to read but we love to see and discover, too. This paper is for people who struve for knoledge and surprise. the eternal learners. People who don't settle for the mediocre. People who never think of themselves as educated because there is always the unexplored. Earnest Learner is compelling but not simplified. offering its pages to the grand writers who have aspired to challenge our intellect, it creates a bridge connecting the richness of a book and the lightness of our everyday reading.

Das Unheimliche comes first. "The Uncanny" by Sigmund Freud will challenge our idea of normality. It defines the disturbing, it might creep us out at times, it might confuse us but it fascinates us.December 2016