

“Lidapofaf - Lasciando il domani al presente o forse al futuro (Lidapofaf – letting tomorrow go today while thinking of the future)


There are many feelings that slowly cross human life, sometimes unexpected, sometimes hopeful, sometimes misunderstood.


Starting on the existential path, a combination of casual encounters that occur, unseeing, accidental attractions ...


The events are free flowing, but man re-orders them in an unnatural way.


Here are some of the thoughts that inspired the work: " Lidapofaf ", created by Domenico Olivero.


The artwork is located in the historic Town Hall of Cuneo on the first floor next to the Hall of Honor.


The artwork is located in this transit area and invites an unspoken dialogue and interaction, conscious or supposition.


As you pass the work and the surrounding space, thoughts are born.


The installation consists of three strongly coloured sculptures, that form a unique work.


Ideally it could be past, present and future, fused into an assembly designed to evoke temporal and spiritual reflections.


But the artist prefers not to define too precisely these ideas so as not to fall into the trap of "knowledge", but leaving wonder and perhaps immanence to happen.


The event will run from 1 to 18 February, 2012, on the first floor in the foyer of the Hall of Honor in the Cuneo Town Hall.


This event has been organized with the patronage/support of the Municipality of Cuneo.



here photos



 Event information: 

Title exhibition: " Lidapofaf - Lasciando il domani al presente o forse al futuro. (Letting tomorrow go today while thinking of the future).

Artist: Domenico Olivero.

Curator: Marina Perla

Location: Town Hall of Cuneo

Address: Via Roma 28 12100 Cuneo Italy

Opening hours: 1 to 18 February 2012, 09,00 to 05,00 am, free admission.

