Snap Up 10M RS Gold AZ Introducing A New Method Of Dungeoneering

Snap Up 10M RS Gold AZ Introducing A New Method Of Dungeoneering

Alt. Dungeoneering method, we want to introduce a new method of dungeoneering training, which place more emphasis on skills, puzzles, and solo play. Dungeoneering has been the oddest RS Gold skill, we wanna make it better for players. Read on and find more.

What's the method? One of the players suggested the Dragonkin lab, which would be less of a maze than many Dung floors end up being. It's more of a hallway with many doors that can be chosen, with he locked boss room at the end.

The hydraulic system moves an egg from room to room, with each room a puzzle that imbues the egg with a different ability. The rooms available are randomized, but depending on the difficulty of the egg room, more puzzle rooms need to be completed before the egg is complete, and the boss room becomes available.

Each dungeon starts with two rooms, a chromatic infusion room, and a metallic infusion room. Players choose one room at the beginning, either chromatic for higher-hitting dragons that are better taken out with standard combat, or metallic for more defensive dragons that are most easily defeated via skilling.

Each room allows for different grades of infusion, that determine the difficulty of the boss, the experience gained, and the quality of the resources acquired, dependent on dungeoneering. So, a player with a low dungeoneering level is only able to infuse green or bronze eggs, but someone with 120 dung can infuse all egg varieties, including the highest levels.

They move on to the infusion chambers. These are themed around existing and proposed dragon varieties-abyssal, temporal,etc. Each chamber completed imbues the egg-and the final boss-with a new special ability. These puzzles are more involved and challenging than those currently in Darmonheim, more akin to those from EW or the Elf series, but randomized to each player. Chambers possibly also include monsters that can be evaded.

Once players have completed the requisite number of infusion chambers, they move on to the boss room, where the hydraulic system deposits the completed egg in a hatchery. While the egg is incubating, the player has the opportunity to go around to various hotspots around the chamber and use their skills to set up different sorts of environmental features that can be used in the final fight. Grow woody trees that can be set on fire, construct pillars that can be mined and pushed down, fletch traps that an agile adventurer can jump over while our foe is incapacitated.

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