
Inspired by the Tarot card tradition,known to have originated in NorthItaly in the 15th Century, this projectrepresents my interpretation of eachcharacter from the deck.Tarot cards, believed by many to holddivinatory powers, give the readergreat insight into the future. Withcountless interpretations, my mainobjective with this project was to givea personal perspective based on areading of the present rather than thefuture.To do this, I observed the people of myenvironment; those I interacted with ona day to day basis. I found artists witha strong, genuine moral strength, whohad become immersed in their owncreative spaces; caught up in their ownworlds. Having shot portraits of them,it soon became apparent that I was leftwith intimate portrayals of each; eachcard, each picture with a unique storyto tell, each relating to a particularcharacter from the deck and theirexperience of the place represented; amodern day interpretation of an ancienttradition.
THE HIGH PRIESTESSThis image of another performer,Madalena Pinto, has a closeresemblance to an ancient pagan ritual,whereby the language of the bodyremains to be the only spoken tongue.I took this picture during the last fewdays of The Mission Arts Club, aformer snooker club which had beenconverted into art platform whereMadalena, amongst other artists,formed an art collective hostingvarious workshops and events. Sadly,the building has recently been underconstruction to create a multitude ofidentical flats to house visitorsattending the Olympic games.