Q5 El balance of power Airwheel electric car right out of the box Awards

Q5 El balance of power Airwheel electric car right out of the box Awards

Hope the stars hope Moon, I finally have the Q5 El power Airwheel power balance to look forward to. Although I order is not a long time, but because it is considered a long time before buying, so was looking forward to its arrival, look there!

Have to say El power Airwheel electric balance car Q5 box is very atmospheric, simple and Alan. Open when the Q5 very carefully packed inside a layer of foam, a layer of cardboard boxes outside, then outer carton also. No wonder, after courier tossed is not damaged.

Well, gossip talk less, El balance of power Airwheel electric car with Q5 body. When it was still in the box, covered with a layer of plastic, I have the element of surprise. Because El power Airwheel power balance the appearance of the Q5 is oval, very atmospheric. And what I choose is light green, the car looks elegant and refined.

In the box except El Q5 balance of power Airwheel electric car, there are some parts, I looked at it, training wheels, manual, assisted, and such. These early learning time is estimated to be used, but behind the ride became ripe, you can say goodbye and then was gone. Mention that all these things shall love Granville Airwheel presented with the car, and without spending a penny, thanks.

Said El Q5 balance of power Airwheel electric car has some really heavy, 11.5 kg of groceries came out, you need to use your strength. Forward, opened the layer of plastic then, El balance of power Airwheel electric car to Q5 completely presents in front of me. Nine words: nice enough, generous enough, enough to pull the wind!

I want to mention is that El power Airwheel electric balance car Q5 made improvements at the little details. For example, the body on both sides of the neon lights, will be lit after turning on, mobile lighting can be successfully caught the attention of other vehicles or pedestrians, travel is more safe. For example, El Q5 has a balance of power Airwheel electric car support frame, the car when not riding, you can use the support shelf to secure it. No support frame before when people get off the car will run but only sideways and drop down is not easy. El Airwheel are times of Warwick, is familiar to consumer demand.

A final comment, El power Airwheel electric Q5 to balance is the full lattice of electricity, was so sweet! knew as soon as I get out for a walk, knows that I am not patient enough to wait for it to slowly recharge (although only 1.5 hours). Well, El Q5 will enjoy the balance of power Airwheel electric cars here, girl I'm going to draw a eye!

Since two month ago, I seen the other people riding the electric one wheel unicycle come and go in the park, at that time I was just want to buy one, on internet“taobao” I checked the price , quality , and comments with compared in totally, I feel Fosjoas brand are much suitable for me, because I more like the big hub, that’s why I choose the 16 “hub V8. Since I have a self-balance unicycle , the daily commuter has became enjoying things, no need take lot of time to catch bus in hurry, the dream of “walking like wind” has become true. On the way I seen so many people are still waiting for the bus station catch hurry journey, I could not help to feeling: Goodbye! Bust time!


Fosjoas electric unicycle V8 has win lots of friend focusing on me, before I have V8, I was member of numerous living beings, at beginning I was not comfortable of so many people watching, but over time, kept my confidence to practice out. Now, I can be very adept at communication with stranger, if I say I would not feel so shy of seen girl, why the homeboy and technical man to try one. Fosjoas self-balancing scooters for me are not just a means of transport, but also my partner. It makes my life to get rid of the tedious with entered a new and interesting realm.