4 Drinks are not appropriate to act as sports drinks after exercise
4 Drinks are not appropriate to act as sports drinks after exercise
It is more likely to sweat when exercising in summer than in the other seasons and people will naturally suffer from thirsty. A lot of people will directly in the gym buy a bottle of drink to supply water and quench their thirst after the movement. However, water replenishing after exercise should be paid special attention to, otherwise vulnerable health. The simplest way is to judge by the weight. Since dehydration is the main reason for the decreased body weight after exercise, so we can calculate the proportion of the dehydration accounting for body weight according to the "pre exercise lose weight after exercise weight again divided by weight before" method. And when the dewatering amount is less than 1% of the weight, you will feel mild thirsty, then only need to supplement the general water; when dehydration weight accounted for 2% - 3%, 50 kg of body weight, for example, after exercise weight loss 1 - 1.5 kg and need to supplement concentration lower than 0.9% saline; only when the dewatering amount is greater than 4% of the weight, you need to add sports drinks. At this time, the movement consumes a large amount of water and also electrolytes, sodium, potassium and other substances will follow to lose by a large number of amount. Sports drinks can help restore the body's function. Below introduce the 4 kinds of drinks which are not appropriate to replenish water after the summer exercise:
Fresh fruit juice You might think, fresh fruit juice which is not marked sugar and other additives will not cause adverse health harm, but in fact drinking freshly squeezed fruit juice intake of fiber than direct edible fruit is much less, although fresh squeezed fresh juice is delicious, but that does not mean fresh squeezed juice can be used as the way of supplementing vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, at most, only occasionally to drink. And, sugar in the fruit is called fructose, which is a kind of sugar that are also more likely to transform into fat and absorbed by the body and more likely to gain weight. Fruit Sorbet Smoothies are summer a lot of people like to drink, but you can not to be deceived by fruit smoothies that pseudo health mask the. Due to the existence of very high sugar fruit smoothies and 32 Ounce smoothie containing 700 calories of heat, equivalent to eating a pineapple, mango and a handful of strawberries. If you eat can not be consumed, so the food energy will be converted to fat in fat. Therefore, when choosing to drink fruit Sorbet can be considered. Carbonated drinks Many people like to exercise after a cup of iced carbonated beverages, enjoy the thrill of. But you know, carbonated drinks the entrance will produce a lot of bubbles, although in a short period of time can satisfy the thirst, but the actual physical thirst satisfied is far from being solved, which is why many people drink carbonated drinks more thirsty to drink. And the carbon dioxide gas in the carbonated drinks can easily make the stomach feel full. After strenuous exercise, drinking carbonated drinks is extremely easy to cause stomach cramps, vomiting and other digestive system disorders. Coffee In summer people are easy to become drowsy and obviously coffee is a good helper of refreshing mind. As we all know, occasionally drinking coffee is good for health, but after exercise, drinking will has great harm to the body. Coffee contains caffeine, can with the body of free calcium binding, and are excreted in the urine. The decrease of free calcium is bound to lead to the decomposition of calcium, which leads to osteoporosis. Coffee not only will affect the appetite and there may cause vomiting and convulsions, may also occur gastritis and thick greasy tongue fur, which makes the body feel tired and weak. Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen Pill seems to be an easy way of sheding pounds if you have this aspect of requirement. A scientific and effective way to shape perfect body figure! http://www.zixiutang.us/