How to more securely carry out your favorite running

How to more securely carry out your favorite running

In the current time promoting national fitness, running really sets off a burst of fitness craze. Whether it is in early morning or night, whether it is sports or urban green road, running figures can always be seen because running poses lots of benefits. For office workers, running is the most simple way to relax; for high pressure mental workers, running is like a practice; for girls, running has amazing slimming beauty effect, Bee Pollen Zi Xiu Tang obvoiusly is the more suitable for better slimming; for the weak person, running can enhance constitution and exercise heart and lung. Although you have no way to suppress the love for running, wish to immediately move up and enjoy it, you still can not ignore the following tips:Prepare the appropriate equipmentAccording to the different ways of running choose different running shoes and you may wish to buy a pair of comfortable shoes, running is not so tired oh. Don't choose pants when it is hot, in winter, try not to wear shorts, keep warm and smoothperspiration.Supplement waterBest to drink a glass of water before going out for exercise. Water not only can supplement moisture, relieve night thirsty tongue rashness, and reduce the blood concentration, promote blood circulation and metabolism.Do warm-upBefore the start of the long run should be fully warm up, warm up for about 10 minutes. Warm-up can make the body begin to adapt to the forthcoming movement, and stretch blood vessels on leg muscles to supply adequate oxygen.Remember to relieve your body at the end of exerciseWhen finishing exercise it is not suitable to immediately sit down and rest, should do some arrangement of movement, let the heart rate and respiration gradually restore calm, such as walking, leg kicking, squat, turn the waist, chest. Rest until other body temperature and heart rate return to a normal level.Don't hurry to cool your body downAfter exercise you will feel thirsty due to sweating a lot, not suitable for immediately entering into the air conditioning room for cooling, also you could not immediately drink plenty of water, especially cold drink, to avoid gastrointestinal irritation, also don't go bath in sweating, to avoid syncope caused by short-term brain ischemia.